Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Because I travel quite a bit, and I travel in circles of travelers, I meet and greet and leave, far too many,
far too often.

But I think am learning to leave well!

When we leave well we leave meaningful memories, powerful purposes, the ripple effects of our own curiosities, and echos outliving our selves, at least, I do. And when I do, so many people ask,

"Who ARE you?"

This question begs so many different answers, that simply I loose
myself, studying your face hoping to intuit your true intentions. "What aspect of me do you want to hear about?"

Origin, Ancestry, Legacy?

Gifting & Calling?

Faith & Practise?

Seeing my awkward struggle to respond, some try to lighten my load, fumbling for lighter meanings, "I mean, what do you do for a living?" I shift into even slower gear as I try to find my shallow mode. But it rarely works . . . "Do" for a "living" ?

Living takes no doing. I wonder if you will be offended with a philsophical answer. I beg my heart & mind to let me off this proverbial hook, "Let me give a quick answer referring to money." But I do so much that is not for money and what I do for money has so little to do with my living, in fact, it distracts from true living!

And so I struggle on with this most Frequently Asked Question:

"Who ARE you?

By now most people have shifted into pity mode, and I can almost audibly hear you saying, "It must be hard to be you." I wait for inspiration, who rarely blesses me when rushed. Words just will not sufffice. At a loss, I resign myself to this simple truth, returning your inaudible response with my own, "I cannot answer well in this space and time, even if I did know what you long to hear." I silently determine to get good at this . . . this leaving.

Until I do, may this space we call "blog" reassure you that my simple blank stare was not of distance, nor resistance, but rather of a curiosity filled pause. Here in this space inspriation will accompany me well. Here I will collect stories of who I am & who I love, of how I come & how I go, for those of you who cared enough to ask, but even more, for those of you who listened long enough to hear answers . . . lost & found.

May we always remember
What someone somewhere once said:

"Deep rivers run deceptively slow."
"Not all minds who wander are lost!"

May we all Welcome & Be Welcomed.

May we all Leavewell & Be Leftwell

Be Well,
~ RuthAnn

1 comment:

  1. Your thoughts and expression of them fils my soul with hope of more to come. In the last 3 months of not earning a living have been more fulfilling and joyful then any time in my life.
    I feel that at 46 yrs old i have only grazed the surface of what Gods will is for me. I no longer fear change but welcome it each day as a new challange. Keep being you!
